What is this Working Party Doing?

Last year the Executive Committee took on the major task of re-writing the constitution to make it shorter and easier to read. A lot of detail was taken out so that the Union was able to respond to the needs and desires of students without the students having to learn a lot of procedural details in order to be heard.

That constitution was agreed by the last Annual General Meeting.

A lot of the things which were taken out of the Constitution are still important, just not neccessarily as part of that document, which is the governing document of the Union. The Union is now going through a process of reviewing all of those elements which were not included in the revised constitution.

In order to do this the Union has set up a working party consisting of sabbatical officers and some staff. The group will come up with a range of operational recommendations and operational policies, which will go to the Executive Committee for their consideration.

Thursday, 15 May 2008



In the previous constitution there were detailed policies on Equal Opportunies and on Openness and Confidentiality and Social Club rules. In the review of the Constitution it was decided that it was more appropriate that these should be independant policies, rather than integrated within the Constitution.


It was agreed that these policies would be submitted to either the first members meeting of the year or the first Union Council of the year.

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